Saturday, December 1, 2012

Play to Win Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life by Larry Wilson PDF ebook Download

I received this Play to Win Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life by Larry Wilson, Hersch Wilson, Ken Blanchard book about 5 years ago and it sat on a shelf in my office. I retired, moved, and was cleaning up stuff to get rid of. Had the book in my hand and looking at the waste basket. Felt guilty enough to look inside and noticed a forward by Ken Blanchard whom I have much admiration for. I read the forward and discoved that Ken stated this was the best thing since sliced bread. Decided to read it.

This Play to Win Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life book offers thoughts on how to think about thinking; the importance of appropriate risk taking in our lives; what is involved in the good decision process and strategies to do so - the 2 minute drill; how to turn your live around and move forward. The book concludes with the importance of building your spiritual life and why that is important.

I recommended this Play to Win Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life book for the inclusion to a course we teach for the chronically unemployed - addicts, felons, etc with a St Vincent de Paul program in Cincinnati called Operation Bootstraps. It has helped us tremedously with these people - they continually tell us how important the book is to them.

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Play to Win Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life by Larry Wilson PDF ebook Download
Larry Wilson (Author), Hersch Wilson (Author), Ken Blanchard (Foreword) | Paperback: 256 pages | Publisher: Bard Press